
Why is Fruit Juice Not Healthy?

Many parents do not understand how something made from fruit can be unhealthy, and the answer lies in the calories. Juices are packed with calories and our caloric intakes and level of activity (i.e. how many calories we burn) dictate our weight, and, unfortunately, health is not just vitamins and healthy or unhealthy foods, but their overall impact on our bodies. So though juice may give you 100% of your Vitamin C or a full serving of fruits and vegetables, it comes with a heavy hit to the number of calories one should consume in a day.

Children's caloric needs vary based largely upon weight and activity level, though other factors do play a part, but as they are growing they need to consume all the recommended nutritional elements of a balanced diet without exceeding their caloric needs, and to accomplish this, their food has to multi-task. So when faced with snack, you have to choose between a 100 calorie juice box with 100% Vitamin C and 10% calcium or a mango that is sweet, but with only 1/3 of the sugar of the apple juice, and dripping with juice, all while being a fiber powerhouse, with one cup contributing 45% of your daily fiber need, but also 24% of your iron and 25% of your protein. The mango fills and fuels while the juice simply hydrates and hypes, but leaves them needing more before they can head out to play, because juice has no fiber to fill or stick with them, which means juice now will require another snack and more calories later to keep them satisfied and playing.

So offer children hydrating fruit over fruit juice, but don't expect them to eat apples every day just because they like apple juice. In the summer, watermelon is filling and so hydrating that they put water in the name; grapes and kiwi are also juicy options, but there is always, the classic orange, which gives a boost of Vitamin C with tons of juice and comes in a convenient carrying case!

When you do choose juice, look for the following:
-100% Juice
-No Sugar or other additives
-Not from Concentrate
-Contains pulp or puree

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