"School-aged children should consume a minimum of five servings of fruits or vegetables per day, and for many parents, that seems like an impossibility, especially as french fries and ketchup do not count." Read More

How many calories should your child consume daily?

Healthy, delicious alternatives to the PB&J sandwich.
"Nothing beats a PB&J, but in "peanut free" lunch zones, parents have to forego the PB for the safety of other children. Not a reason to take up arms or an invitation for a jelly sandwich, this is a call to discover a filling and healthy sandwich that is still quick and easy to prepare." Read More

The old ad for milk was not wrong; it really does do a body good, as it is loaded with calcium. In young people, calcium aids in the development of strong bones, which will continue to strengthen throughout adolescence until they begin to decline in young adulthood. Read More

Hassle-free ways to dress kids to stay outdoors and active during winter months.
Kids would play outside in their summer best on mid-winter days if given the choice. And while they are actually more prone to heat loss than their bundled up parents, their desire to expend energy regardless of the temperature may actually work to keep them healthier through the winter, as regular activity boosts the immune system. Read More
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