
Dear Mom, They Are Talking About Me: A Reminder for Parents of their Super Powers

Superman: the oldest and most famous
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Do the math. In 2030, our children will be adults, which is when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projects that every U.S. state may have adult obesity rates above 44% and thirty-nine states are projected to surpass 50%. With familiar faces put to the statistics, as parents, we must recognize the import of the choices we are making now and accept the responsibility for the lessons we are teaching our children, as they will determine whether, as adults, they fall to the obesity epidemic.

If only it were as easy as making one choice, but a healthy lifestyle is a hundred choices made every day, which provide constant temptation and perpetual chances for redemption; it is limiting television and choosing playing outside over the computer; it is buying healthy foods over junk and learning to prepare them. And most importantly, for parents, it is making sure that you are leading by example.
An unhealthy lifestyle is much like quitting smoking; it is easiest to quit if you never start. Thus parents of newborns have the greatest advantage, because from their child's first bites, they can teach them just how delicious healthy foods can be and create positive habits with salt and sugar; they can establish physical activity as a fundamental part of each day simply by modeling the behavior and establish firm limits and attitudes toward the role of television and other electronic entertainment.
But parents of all ages need to realize the power of their own actions, as children work on the "monkey see, monkey do" principal vs "do as I say don't do as I do." As New York dietician Keith Ayoob stated in a 2010 USA Today article he "never sees children who have better eating habits than their parents" and the same holds true for physical activity, as a study from Oregon State University found that the children of parents who are not home or do not spend time with their children spend an average of an additional thirty minutes per day doing sedentary activities. That may not sound like a big deal, until you realize in one week, it adds up to 3.5 hours or about 196 hours in a year.
The Oregon State study also found that children most likely to engage in active play were those whose parents played with them, but a study from National Jewish Health proved a direct correlation between parent and child activity levels. Researchers asked study parents to take an additional 2,000 steps per day, and on the days that this occurred, their children averaged 2,100 additional steps, but on the days that mom and dad fell short, so, too, did their children. Parents need to realize that their influence will diminish as children age and spend less time with them, so use that time to be active together and teach children that activity is fun.
All of this is not to say that every parent must be an athlete to raise healthy children. Parental support, whether taking children to an activity or watching them participate, provides children with the encouragement that they need to get out and active. With no scientific backing to support the findings, I discovered with my teenage daughter that volunteering together at athletic events, such as a local 10k, or standing on course to cheer, shaped her perception of how enjoyable being active can be.
Thus when parents feel powerless about changing the world in which their children live, what they must remember is that they alone have the single greatest ability to affect positive change within their child, but they must choose to use their super-powers for good.

Super-Power Steps

1. If you are not an active family with eating habits that need improvement, make your first step toward a healthier path involving your children, making buy-in more likely.

2. Start small. To safely introduce exercise to anyone who may not be accustomed to it, you need to start with the basics. Make it your goal to take a walk after dinner each night and increase the length of your walk by 10% each week. (Need inspiration? Check out our post on getting the whole family walking.)

3. Take it easy. One of the easiest ways to improve your family's health is to eat together. Turn the television off, leave the cell phone and computers in another room, and tune in to what your children have to say. With busy schedules, every night may not be possible, but establish a routine and use these nights to try out healthy meals, involving even the smallest chefs in their preparation.

4. Ask for help. Whether you need cooking instruction or inspiration for getting active, there are plenty of resources, so do not let a question mark derail your goals. Ask your pediatrician, fitness instructor, a healthy neighbor, or post a question here!

5. Talk the talk. Being active and healthy is not the same as being "athletic," a word that intimidates many children and adults. So toss out "competition," "sports," or other words that reference specific skills or abilities, if they do not work for your family and focus on fun.

6. Grow your power. Research has shown that a parent's perception of health and their belief in their own ability to make a difference play a large role in determining how healthy their family is, so congratulate yourself on reading this article and make it your goal to spend five minutes per day reading a piece or finding a new recipe. It will turn the wait in the carpool line into a productive and empowering time that will make a positive difference.


New [School] Year's Resolutions

As a child on New Year's Eve, perhaps you were allowed to watch the ball drop, but with only the babysitter there to celebrate, it was not the most memorable holiday.  On the other hand, the start of school was filled with the smell of fresh notebooks, crayons with sharp tips, and new shoes that you knew could make you run faster.  There were pictures taken, mom cried, and out of pure excitement [and terror] you did not sleep for a whole night.
We all love beginnings and parents need a clean slate more than anyone, but perhaps when looking for the opportunity to start afresh with our families, we should follow our children's calendar.  So, this year, as the mornings get chillier and nights fill with homework, think about establishing a new schedule and menu that make this school year the healthiest yet.
-A good start: each new day is a part of that healthy year, so start each morning with a healthy breakfast.  Remove reasons not to eat by making breakfast convenient and to your child's taste, so that both of you have a better start.  Cereal in a baggie with a yogurt to go, whole wheat bread with peanut butter, or a serving of almonds and a banana; if they have time, let them opt for oatmeal with fresh fruit, and keep it fresh with a variety of their favorite frozen fruits for a new combo every morning.  Regardless of the choice, limit the sugar (be reasonable, if it needs a sprinkle, then help them choose the proper amount and do not lose the breakfast battle over food that lacks taste) and opt for fiber and protein, which will fill them up and stay with them.
-Do not just sandwich lunch between breakfast and dinner: Most kids are hungry by lunch and the fight over vegetables is mainly to test mom's sanity, so give them their most nutritious meal when they are ready to eat and you are not there to negotiate.  A bowl of their favorite fruits, a whole wheat wrap filled with avocado, cheese, turkey, and cucumber, veggies with hummus instead of dressing (have you tried Trader Joe's hummus?), or, my son's favorite, left-overs.  Lunch is a social time, so keep foods simple and neat and your kids healthy and full.
-Stock simple snacks: kids are starving when they get home and have miles to go before dinner, making snack one of the most important meals of the day.  Keep you fridge stocked with healthy, quick options that you and your kids select together, because there is no need to argue over choices when all are good.  Consider cups of yogurt with berries tossed on top for the ride to the soccer field or an apple with almond butter.
-Easy does it: Take the dinner pressure off by making sure that your family has eaten well throughout the day and make dinner a lighter, simpler meal.  Stock up on all you need for multiple go-to dinners that are just as easy as the drive-thru, but pack a healthy and tasty punch.  This blog is filled with easy and healthy recipes, but my favorite involves the three best words I get to say in the day "make your own."  Set out whole wheat wraps, your favorite hummus, fresh spinach, cabbage, tomato, avocado, left-over grilled chicken, Greek yogurt dip, or other favorites, and let your kids build their own wrap, which they can heat or enjoy cold; nothing is more nutritious or filling.  If your family always looks for dessert, then establish fruit as the new sweet treat.  Mix your favorites together in yogurt and freeze into popsicles or just enjoy pre-sliced chunks.
-Make sure that they are ready for bed: School-age children need 10-11 hours of sleep per night, but the first step in a bedtime routine starts the minute they wake up with taking every opportunity to get them moving; whether you walk around the block, ride bikes, chase the frisbee, or shoot baskets, get children outside and active.  In the evening, establish a routine and stick to it for a firmly set (i.e. no negotiating) bedtime that will allow them the rest that they need.     


Why do you buy organic?

To learn more about the study released today visit CNN or
watch a video from the Today Show.
The Annals of Internal Medicine have given consumers a question to ponder: to buy organic or no?  Unfortunately, an easy answer is not to be found, as each individual's answer can only be found in the answer to another question: why do you buy organic?
The new research found that organic food contains no more vitamins or minerals than conventionally grown food, so if looking for a nutritional boost in the additional money you spend to buy organic, you may not find it.  But it may not exist at all due to farming practices whose goals focus more on size, mass production and greater resistance to pests than on nutrition.  In fact, the Kushi Institute found a 27% decline in the amount of calcium found in foods between 1975 and 1997, along with a 37% reduction in iron levels; both of which are vital to the growth and development on little bodies (see full article in Scientific American).    
For those buying organic for fewer pesticides, the study found that organic food had a 30% lower risk of contamination from pesticide residue.  The US Department of Agriculture states that in 2010, 59% of conventional produce has detectable amounts of pesticides even after proper washing.  The long term effects of the consumptions of pesticides at these levels on children have yet to be sufficiently studied, and the only studies conducted on the benefits of an organic diet have been shorter than two years, so long term benefits are unproven.  If you are buying organic to limit the pesticides you consume, consider the Environmental Protection Group's app that lists the clean and dirty foods for a grocery store reference on when to safely buy organic.
There are other benefits to organic farming that may guide you to purchase strictly organic, but regardless of your reasons, what is most important is to make the healthiest and most informed choices for your family.  Because though the above may be a pessimistic view on our nation's produce, my refrigerator is stocked with fresh, organic produce because I want to limit my family's exposure to pesticides to the degree that I can.  What is your choice?


Unrealistic Expectations or Healthier Pregnancy? a personal trainer's guide to a healthy pregnancy

In 2012, Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson came under fire after stating that women use "pregnancy as an excuse to let their bodies go."  The comment, made in DuJour magazine, spread across morning air waves as doctors, moms, and the media unleashed their wrath, but as I listened to their criticisms, I only heard excuses for women making unhealthy choices for themselves and their children.
Most doctors recommend that patients at a healthy weight gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, which can mean as little as 400 extra calories per day, or the equivalent of a healthy snack; a far cry from "eating for two."  If letting ones body go or doubling your caloric intake were healthy, it would literally be what the doctor ordered, so why is it not?
I advise my clients that when they first think that they might want to have a baby that they get in the best shape of their lives.  Getting pregnant can be stressful (says the woman who tried for three years and went through IUI and IVF) and being pregnant is incredibly demanding, thus exercise at this point is less about shaping up and more about its other, often overlooked benefits.  Consistent exercise during pregnancy combats fatigue, insomnia, even constipation, and it releases endorphins, which are the only healthy high during pregnancy.  Best yet, it helps produce healthier babies and makes post-partum recovery easier. 
So why all of the advanced planning?  Once pregnant, many doctors advise that you should exercise to the level that you were pre-pregnancy.  So I was able to run daily and took my last spin class on my due date.  But if the only time you squat is to lower yourself on to the couch, you cannot demand exercise of your body once pregnant and meet with a positive outcome (or expect the button on your pre-pregnancy jeans to meet again for a long time).
Another benefit of exercise is that it is a great motivator to change your diet, and small changes before pregnancy make the cut backs or eliminations of your favorite vices (the real reason pregnant women are irritable) far easier.  A parent struggling to establish positive eating habits will also tell you that your own healthy diet will make raising a child with healthy habits far easier than trying "do as I say don't do as I do," as food preferences are established with fewer objections and thrown food in utero.  
Thus before you are pregnant, you have begun to treat your body like a temple, so that as you enter what some claim is the most self-centered time in a woman's life, that self-focus is positive.  Unfortunately, following nine months of being in the spotlight, many women feel thrust into the dark wearing only breast milk-stained sweats.
I spent my pregnancy not baby-proofing my house but post-partum depression proofing my life, and my first line of defense was exercise.  I invested in my Baby Bjorn and BOB, both of which got me out of the house and away from Prozac, which I had on stand-by.  My walks and, later, runs were a calming point in the day for my son and me, which any new mom will tell you is reason enough to do anything, but they (with a little help from breastfeeding) also had me back in my skinny jeans four weeks after giving birth.
My pregnancy came before I trained my first client or taught a class.  I did it by working hard and staying motivated not by vanity but by my desire to relish pregnancy and motherhood, which I had worked for for three years.  Every mom, whether on her first pregnancy or fifth, can achieve the same. 

So if you are not a fitness guru or employing one, how are some great ways to get healthy and stay that way through pregnancy and beyond?

-Ask your doctor or OB; teachers and trainers who specialize in pregnancy fitness frequently advertise through their offices.
-Talk to your friend who stayed in shape through pregnancy or make the day of a new mom and ask how she did it.
-If you belong to a gym, ask your favorite instructor for guidance and speak to each instructor from which you take a class to learn how you can modify to be able to continue class through all phases of your pregnancy.
-Research gyms with childcare and great classes while still pregnant.  It will provide you with invaluable time to yourself, while knowing that your little one is near by.  It also allows you and your baby to set the schedule without being at the mercy of a babysitter (and it costs far less!).
-Skip the cute, impractical strollers and go straight for the BOB or other jogging strollers.  They will allow you to get moving with greater ease and piece of mind that baby is not getting rattled on the ride.
-Find a walking buddy or class for new moms; both provide you with a great workout and accountability.
-Whatever else you do, do not lock yourself in the house for months after baby's arrival.  Making them a part of your life will help to keep you sane through all of the changes and getting moving just might even make you happy!

My best advice is while pregnant, research and set a goal that will motivate you to get back into shape.  Make it a challenge and one that will require you to commit time and energy, as this will force you to care for yourself at a time when many women feel neglected.  If you feel guilty in your pursuit, remind yourself that the care you take of yourself will make you a better mom.  Ultimately, though, the goal is less about the achievement and more about the challenge, as what I have learned through my clients is that a genuine love of ones body comes not from appearance but a pride in knowing what your body can do, and the best part is that no one else can diminish it nor does it fade with age.


Simple Steps to Help Kids Survive Allergy Season

Some of Spring's most beautiful blossoms are also
the worst sinus offenders.
I was a cautious new mom; vaccinations worried me.  I knew my son would OD on Advil.  I tried to avoid antibiotics, and then, last March, my son started coughing.  First, it was every five minutes, then every two, until finally, it was with every breath.  "RAD" or "Reactive Airway Disorder" was what the urgent care doctor told us, but only because they cannot confirm asthma until children are approximately five to six years of age.Since that day, I have evolved from a cautious mom into the medication fairy.  My son's bedtime routine involves a shower, brushing teeth, reading a story, an inhaler, two nasal sprays, and two medications.  Granted, I write this blog from a city whose pollen count has been above 1000 for fifteen consecutive days [and counting] and who beat its previous high by over 3000 with a pollen count of over 9300, but who is counting?!?
With all of the medical miracles, I also make small changes to our daily routine to minimize seasonal allergies, so as the rest of the country follows the Sunny South into pollen season, here are a few things that might help minimize the pain of most beautiful and miserable time of year:
-Dress in layers-especially for children still napping, dress kids in an undershirt, socks, shoes, and a hat, so that when nap time comes, you can take off the top layer and minimize the pollen that ends up on their sheets.
-Remove shoes-when you enter the house, immediately take off shoes so as not to track pollen through the house
Nasal Mist, Allergy and Sinus Giant Size
-Clean and blow nose: invest in a can of saline nasal spray (no drops).  Every time your kids enter the door from outside play, do 1-3 sprays in each nostril while your child leans forward; have them blow their nose gently after each spray.  They may not love it, but this is step that every allergist and pediatrician I have encountered has agreed upon.
-Wash hands and face: as soon as your child comes inside, wash hands and forearms (admit it, even your prefect angel uses her forearm as a tissue) and around the mouth and nose.  If they were not wearing a hat, run a damp cloth through their hair.
-Rinse off at night-if your kids have spent any sizable amount of time outside, rinse them in the shower before bed.  If dry skin is a problem, they may not need to shampoo every night.
-Change pillowcases-if your child still naps, you may need to change the pillowcase every day during high pollen season.  For older children, still consider changing the pillowcase every 3-4 days and the sheets at least once per week.
-Clean friends, too-doctors will tell you to remove stuffed animals, but for some, this is not an option.  Instead try to minimize and frequently wash those that go outside or get held the closest.
-Keep windows and doors closed-whether in the car or house, do not invite the pollen in, also set the car AC to recirculate vs pulling from the outside.
Filtrete Allergen Reduction Filters
-Change your filters-invest in better filters for your home's AC unit and change regularly.
-Clean often-even if you do not obsess over cleaning, try to vacuum and dust regularly, but if you have an allergy sufferer in the home, do not do it while they are around.

Another way to control pollen exposure is to only venture out at certain times.  Unfortunately, no one can agree on the best time.  Pollen is worst on warm, dry days, but many doctors will tell you to avoid time outside in the morning.  My son is best in the mornings when dew is on the plants, so follow what works best for your child, and if they show signs of irritation, take them inside. 

For many, these basic steps may be enough, but if you find that your child is still suffering, consult your pediatrician about an antihistamine, many of which are available without a prescription, or other options that may help your child feel better through pollen season. 


An Easy Way to Help Kids Like Their Veggies

We all want our children to love healthy food, but getting them to that yummy ah-ha moment can be a challenge, so if you are struggling to get your child to eat veggies, try compromising.  Instead of tossing a salad on their plate, try mixing it in a food from our favorite national food group: starches.

You are not seeking to disguise the healthy foods, so do not mince your vegetables until they are unrecognizable, nor are you seeking to make the starch the star of the meal (it should comprise about 30% of the food in the bowl); you are merely re-introducing a healthy food through a familiar and comfortable food, just as you did when first introducing solids.

Some great grains to try are Cream of Wheat, which comes in a whole grain version in serving-size envelopes, oatmeal (if your kids to not like the texture, then toss it in your handy chopper for a minute), or the Southern classic, grits, which are nothing more than broken grains of corn.  All of the above come in instant varieties or they can be made ahead.  Regardless of when you prepare them, try seasoning them a little minced garlic and cheese, so as to create a savory dish.

Then, when you go to make your salad, start by heating their starch, and as you cut your carrots, onions, peppers, avocado, spinach, cabbage, chicken, or whatever else you are enjoying in your bowl, toss a serving into their bowl.  Then stir both salads and drizzle with dressing.  Everyone is eating the same meal and your child is getting exposed to your household's favorite veggies, but on familiar terms.  You can try this with any meal from asparagus and chicken to shrimp and green beans. 

As always, remember to serve with a neutral face and be matter of fact.  There is no need for a hard sell; you have prepared a flavorful and colorful meal that you know that you will enjoy, so why should your child be any different?  

Need an instant meal that delivers raw veggies, protein, whole grains, and great flavor with only a microwave and a bowl?  Try a variation of the above idea:

Add one package of plain oatmeal to a bowl and prepare with water or low fat milk, a sprinkle of cheese, and black beans.  Microwave per directions on the package.  Once cooked, shred fresh spinach into the bowl.  Top with your favorite salsa, avocado, fresh tomato or low-fat Greek yogurt.  Mix thoroughly. 

My daughter actually makes this in her dorm room when she needs a fresh, dining-hall-free meal, so you know that it is easy and quick!


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 8

Popeye kept it simple and loved his spinach, but a long-term study of the Physicians' Health Study   found that men who ate 2.5 servings of vegetables each day cut their risk of heart disease by 25% and each additional serving reduced the risk by 17%.  Another 2011 study found that a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables could actually reduce the risk of those genetically predisposed to heart disease to a level comparable to those without the gene variant, which is empowering news for those with a family history of heart disease.
Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can consume, yet one cup of this Super Food only contains 40 calories; it is also one of only a few vegetables where canned or frozen is not an option.  School cafeterias ruined this bright green leaf with its mild taste for most of us by pouring it out of the can, where it acquires an acidic and bold flavor, not to mention loses all appealing texture, so if second grade was the last time that you looked at spinach, try a salad made of vibrant organic (it's #5 on the Dirty Dozen) spinach leaves or tuck them into your favorite sandwich. 

Fresh spinach is also a great vegetable for kids due to its mild flavor.  Pile it on a whole-wheat grilled cheese along with tomato and allow it to wilt slightly for a colorful sandwich treat.  It is also great mixed into omelets, but my favorite place to use it is in fruit smoothies.  It gives smoothies an additional burst of vitamins and minerals, but kids will enjoy seeing one more color in with raspberry red or mango yellow.

If you give fresh spinach a try and do not find it to your liking, the Cleveland Clinic, which US News and World Report ranked as the top hospital in the United States for cardiology and heart surgery, created a list of their Top Heart-Health Vegetables, which begins with asparagus that much like spinach, is loaded with folate, fiber, and potassium.  My family is obsessed with asparagus, which can be prepped for baking in under three minutes.  Next on the list is bell pepper, which can be used for salads, sautés, and snacks, and can be cut and bagged on the weekend to save prep-time and add a flavorful and healthy kick to week-night dinners.

Broccoli appears on the list, thanks to its Vitamin C, K, folate and fiber, and it is another vegetable that is best fresh vs frozen.  I also prefer organic broccoli, even though it is not one of the Dirty Dozen.  If you have a family member that is convinced that they do not like broccoli, try steaming it only until its green brightens, and not allowing it to pale, which is when it becomes far too mushy for little hands to hold, which is the fun way to eat broccoli.  Next on the list, carrots, get their color from carotenoids, which also work as a powerful anti-oxidant.  Try dipping them in hummus for a snack or using your peeler to produce long, thin strips for salads, but due to their sweet taste, you can also use them for baking with very moist outcomes. 

Onion and garlic are the beginnings of the best meals and may help lower cholesterol.   Fresh garlic has a sweeter flavor than bottled, but if its prep-time will prevent you from cooking with it, use the bottle, but do not miss out on garlic's flavor and benefits.  You may also find that with these two veggies in your pot, you use less salt, as frequently people salt to add flavor to bland dishes, which is impossible with garlic and onion.  (If you feel bold and have no plans to leave the house, try my favorite dish which is a celebration of garlic.)

Try heirloom tomatoes for variety in
shape and color.
Potatoes and sweet potatoes (see our simple sweet potato fry recipe) made Cleveland Clinic's list, but they should be consumed with the skin on for maximum benefit.  Tomatoes are also heart-healthy, thanks to lycopene, which is an antioxidant found in cooked tomato products, but if you want maximize the antioxidants, choose organic tomatoes.  Tomatoes are an easy heart-healthy food to consume regularly, whether raw on a salad, sandwich, rice dish, your favorite pizza, or as the base of your pasta sauce, but if you are starting with canned tomatoes, make sure that they are low in sodium, so that the cardiovascular benefits are not lost in a sea of salt.

Rounding out the list are two varieties of winter squash, butternut and acorn.  With their richly hued meat, these squash with their sweet flavor make any dish come to life, and are a favorite for children, whether in the classic baked acorn squash or in butternut squash enchiladas, a flavorful recipe, loaded with heart-healthy vegetables.

Butternut Squash Enchiladas
(serves 4)
1 butternut squash
5 cloves fresh garlic
1 medium onion
3/4c fresh mushrooms
1 can low-sodium black beans
1/2 bag organic spinach
Salt and Pepper
Your favorite tortilla shell
Shredded cheddar cheese
Plain low-fat Greek yogurt
2 medium tomatoes

Try slicing your squash,
stacking about 3 slices, shaving
off the peel and then cubing. 
Chop onions and garlic and sauté in olive oil until they smell irresistible.  Add cubed squash and chopped mushrooms, sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper, 2 generous pinches of cumin and continue cooking until squash softens.  Wash and drain beans and add to mixture.  Chop spinach and allow to cook just until wilted.

Open your tortilla shell (sundried tomato is our favorite) and sprinkle with a thin layer of cheese.  Place serving of squash mixture on top and roll or fold.  Place in a lined baking dish and bake at 400 until cheese has melted.  Top with fresh diced tomatoes and Greek yogurt.   


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 7

"Beans, beans, they're good for your heart...."  No, really!  They and other legumes, may even be great for your heart as they can help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and may help with weight loss, if consumed as a part of a healthy diet.

Legumes are basically defined as a simple dry fruit that develops from what most people call pods.  Legumes include everything from chickpeas, edamame, lentils, and soy nuts to lima beans.  Beans are merely a type of legume, but beans can refer to either the seed of the bean plant, or if picked while young and tender, the pod itself, such as "green beans." 

Legumes are a good source of protein, and thus make a great substitute for meat, which contains more calories, total fat and saturated fat.  And though legumes may not contain as much protein as meat (one serving or three ounces of meat, fish or poultry contains 21 grams vs 1 cup of beans, which contains 14), women age 19-70 only need 46 grams of protein each day and men of the same age 56 grams.  And as, according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007-2008, the typical American diet helps males take in 101.9 grams per day and 70.1 grams for females, the average American diet is not hurting for protein.

Beans are also full of soluble fiber, which slows digestion and inhibits the absorption of cholesterol, but fiber may cause gas in some people.  To avoid the socially awkward side-effects of beans, increase the fiber in your diet slowly.  The Mayo Clinic also offers a "gas-free soak" for beans, which calls for placing one pound of beans in 10+ cups of boiling water for 2-3 minutes, covering the beans and allowing them to sit overnight.

Legumes make a cheap and filling meal, but if remembering to soak them overnight is too much, then reach for canned or frozen, but make sure to thoroughly rinse and drain canned foods, as they are often swimming in a salt bath, which will cancel their positive effects on the heart. 

We have eliminated the gas issue and understand the health of legumes, so now it is time to learn how to enjoy them.  The classic bean dish is chili, and as it can be made with kidney beans, which the Cleveland Clinic named as one of the top beans for your heart, along with black beans, black-eyed peas, and lentils, enjoy our vegetable chili recipe, which contains no meat and plenty of flavor to keep your heart and taste-buds happy.  Another versatile dish is black bean salsa, which can be served over lean pork, chicken or fish or as a healthy snack or appetizer.  Need something in a hurry?  Find a low sodium lentil soup for lunch or take your favorite mac and cheese and turn it into a meal with fresh spinach and black beans thrown in, but my favorite use for black beans is in our family's favorite Sweet Potato Enchiladas (see below). 
Bottom line: Beans can go anywhere from omelettes to salads and soups, and larger beans even make a great snack, so try substituting beans for meat at least one day per week, but challenge yourself to find a way to incorporate them into your diet at least that often.  You will see a difference in your wallet, waistline, and your heart health! 

Sweet Potato Enchiladas
6 medium sweet potatoes (will serve 6)
4 cloves of garlic 
Medium onion
12oz. low fat cream cheese
1 can of black beans (more may be used)
½ lime (juiced)
Pinch of Cumin (more to taste)
Cilantro (to taste)
Black Pepper
Salt (optional)
Cayenne Pepper
Soft shells
Cheddar Cheese
Enchilada Sauce

Preheat oven to 400C.  Clean potatoes and place in boiling water with skins on.  Mince garlic and onion and place in large bowl with cream cheese, lime juice, cumin, cilantro, black pepper, cayenne, and salt.  Once soft, drain water from potatoes, soak in cold water, and peal once cool.  Add potatoes to above bowl and mix with a hand mixer until smooth.  Gently stir in beans. 
Place shells in oven safe container.  Coat with thin layer of cheddar cheese and place in oven to melt.  Remove from oven, fill with potato mix, fold and secure with a toothpick.  Drizzle enchilada sauce and bake until shells are crisp.  Top with tomatoes , additional enchilada sauce and serve.    


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 6

Berries, some of the most flavorful and colorful foods imaginable,are also great for your heart.  But the news gets better; whether you prefer strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, or raspberry, the greatest benefit seems to come from eating a variety of berries, so fill your bowl with the deepest and lushest hues and textures of the summer season and savor for your health.

Berries are a great source of dietary fiber, which is found exclusively in plant foods.  Fiber is not broken down by the human body and soluble fiber, actually works by slowing the emptying of the stomach, which helps with weight control by making you feel full.  It also reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) by interfering with the absorption of cholesterol from your diet, and increasing your intake of soluble fiber by 5-10 grams per day may reduce LDL by up the 5% (women under 50 need 25g per day and men, 38g (Mayo Clinic)).  Though soluble and insoluble fiber are both a good-for-you part of foods, and the best way to insure an adequate supply of both is to eat a varied diet full of fruits and vegetables, oatmeal is one of the greatest sources of heart-healthy soluble fiber, and with blueberries and strawberries being high on the list, choosing oatmeal sweetened by your favorite fresh berries may be the simplest and heart-healthiest way to kick off your day.

The US Department of Agriculture found that blueberries, specifically, have a compound in them called pterostilbene, which has the ability to fight bad cholesterol much as the antioxidant found in grapes that led to the reports of red wine being good for the heart.  In fact, pterostilbene, as found in certain blueberries, was found to be more effective at lowering bad cholesterol than that found in grapes and may even help raise good cholesterol levels. 

As for raspberries, they possess a compound called anthocyanin that not only gives the fruit its rich red color but also helped reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation, according to the "Journal of Nutrition."  Currently, research is being focused on inflammation and its role in heart disease, but doctors from the American Heart Association contend that just as our white blood cells attack a splinter, which cause the area around it to become red and swollen, our arteries react to injuries to the heart, such as smoking or high cholesterol, causing fatty deposits that narrow the artery and restrict blood flow.

All of the science on berries does not matter as much as the fact that they are delicious and wonderfully simple to add to your diet, as they are low in calories, high in taste, and quite filling, but they can be expensive, especially as strawberries and blueberries appear on the "Dirty Dozen," which is the list of foods most contaminated with pesticides.  To buy organic and save money, consider buying frozen, especially during off-seasons, and look to a store brand, such as Whole Foods' 365.  If you are not buying organic frozen berries, read the label to insure that sugar has not been added to the fruit.  Frozen berries are perfect for smoothies, mixed in yogurt, cooked in oatmeal, and for baking, though my three-year-old would eat an entire bag of frozen raspberries with his bare hands if given the chance.

If you want fresh berries, consider a local farmers market or follow your favorite grocer on Facebook, where many companies will advertise sales.  Another options is to grow your own.  Not only is planting and caring for the plant a learning experience for children, but it can save you considerable money.  Often research on blueberry plants will reveal that they will take three years to bear fruit, and no child can wait that long (and, honestly, I will kill a fragile, new plant), but mature blueberry bushes can cost as little as $20-30, and though you have to buy two so that they can cross-pollinate, you should recover your investment in about two years.  Think you do not have room?  Some experts recommend growing blueberries in pots as it allows for better control of the soil. 

Once you buy your berries, the ways to enjoy them are only limited by the imagination.  Add blackberries to an apple crisp.  Combine with your favorite yogurt and granola for  filling breakfast or lunch.  Go wild with your smoothie and popsicle recipes.  Add berries to pancakes, on top of waffles, in your salad, on your cereal, or in your muffins, or just pop open a container, wash, and enjoy them simply as they are.  You can even use them to cut calories without ever feeling the sacrifice; try replace your favorite after-dinner treat with fresh berries for one week.  Being low in calories but high in taste, your mouth and mind will think it is a sweet treat but your waistline will relish the low-calorie truth. 


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 5

Are we all going nuts?  There is nothing better than discovering a simple and delicious snack that may improve your health.  No steps to follow or time consumed, just a filling food and the good feeling that comes from taking care of your body.  But if nuts are heart healthy and a good-for-you, simple snack then why are they labeled as fatty and banned from schools?

Nuts are full of fat, but much like salmon or olive oil, two other heart-healthy foods, nuts are filled with unsaturated fats, which lower bad cholesterol levels.  They are also one of the greatest plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which can actually prevent dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks.  Nuts only become fattening, and even bad for your heart, when coated in salt and sugar and eaten in excess, thus for maximum benefit, nuts should be consumed plain.
Nuts also help reduce the risk of developing blood clots, but they contain two substances that help keep arteries in top shape.  The first substance is Vitamin E, which prevents the development of plaque in arteries, which can slow or even stop blood flow to the heart.  The second is l-arginine, which helps keep artery walls flexible and less prone to clots.

But all nuts are not created equal.  Walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, but almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and pecans are also heart healthy.  Because they are high in calories, too many may equal caloric overload, so the Food and Drug Administration recommends limiting servings to approximately a handful, and to receive the full heart-healthy benefits, that handful should replace another protein, such as eggs, meat, or dairy, all of which are animal-based proteins and contain saturated fat.  As it can be hard to keep track of what you have consumed while standing over a giant bag mindlessly munching, a great way to ensure that you get the health benefits without damaging your waistline is to place serving-sizes of nuts into baggies.  Having this convenient snack at the ready may encourage healthier snacking by preventing a run on the vending machine at work or school.  Also, as nuts are high in fiber, they will keep you full, which may prevent gorging on a later meal.

So with all of the health benefits why do nuts have a bad rap?  More than 3 million people in the United States are allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, or both, and peanuts, which are actually not a nut, but a legume, cause 50-62% of food-related anaphylaxis deaths in the United States, with tree nuts, such as walnut, almond, hazelnut, pistachio, and Brazil nuts causing 15-30%.  Thus not only are many people allergic to the heart-healthy nuts mentioned above, but the potential reaction to them is severe and even life threatening, and peanut allergies are becoming more common, with cases nearly doubling in children from 1997-2002.  For further information on peanut allergies and introducing peanuts to children, please see "When to Introduce Peanuts to Kids."

Interesting nut facts:
The cashew is in the same family as mango and pistachio. Research has shown a link between a cashew allergy and a severe reaction to poison ivy.
Almond is in the plum family with apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, and plum yet is considered a tree nut by most allergists.
The pecan is in the walnut family.
Coconut is in the palm family, and doesn’t cross react with tree nuts, but it has been deemed a tree nut by the FDA for labeling.


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 4

My father knows how to barbeque.  Forget the gas grill; he is old school charcoal in the Weber, and my mom's mother was so impressed with his skills that she passed down her famous basting sauce not to her two sons but her son-in-law.  Until this weekend, this recipe started with melting two sticks of butter, but Saturday, olive oil hit the pan to the rave reviews of our unsuspecting diners.

With the story above and other situations where olive oil is elected over butter, one has to question whether the greater gain to heart health came from losing the butter or gaining the olive oil.  Research has pointed to olive oil itself not being responsible for lowering LDL (bad cholesterol), as much as the removal of butter or other animal-based fats, which are high in cholesterol and saturated fat.   In contrast, olive oil, which is plant based, contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which though considered a healthy dietary fat, is still high in calories, so to benefit from olive oil it must be used in limited quantities (about two tablespoons per day) and as a replacement for other fats, not as an addition to them.
Frequently, one hears of "extra virgin" olive oil, which is the highest quality of olive oil and comes from the first pressing of the olive within a day of harvest.  Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) may have the greatest health benefits, as it has greater anti-inflammatory properties than oil from subsequent presses, which may work to lower inflammatory markers in the blood, which when chronically raised may contribute to the development of heart disease. 
Adding olive oil to your diet is less about new ideas and recipes as it is a call to review your diet and find opportunities for substitution.  Sautéing?  Start with olive oil.  Like bread with butter with dinner?  Drizzle whole wheat bread with olive oil and herbs and then toast.  Baking vegetables?  Substitute olive oil for butter and see if your family notices.  Making a salad dressing?  Use olive oil, but only use about 30-40% of the called-for amount.  Topping your baked potato?  Use nothing!  Most loaded potatoes have plenty of fat between cheese and Greek yogurt (no sour cream here!), so skip butter and olive oil.
If you are looking for a good-for-your food that incorporates olive oil, if not celebrates it, seek out hummus.  There are many great brands and finding a favorite is a matter of taste, as it can range from mild, which may appeal to children, to bold.  If you live in Atlanta, Mediterranean Grill has my favorite hummus, but children prefer the mild hummus found on the hummus sandwich at Falafel King.  I also recently discovered Whole Foods' Zesty Garlic Hummus, which my son and I both loved on a whole wheat bagel with slices of cucumber.
If you feel really bold [and have no social engagements], try my favorite Dragon Breath Pasta, which is flavored only by the perfect, two tablespoon serving of garlic, a huge serving of raw garlic, and a pinch of basil. 

Always remember that fresh olive oil has a better taste and more health benefits, so before purchasing a quality olive oil, check for a date on the package, which should be no older than one year, and store all olive oils in a cool, dark place.  Use olive oil within six months of opening, but, if properly stored, it can last for up to a year.  Want more information on storing olive oil?  Check out this article


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 3

Avocado not only helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) but can actually raise HDL, which is the cholesterol that helps fight heart disease.  Avocados are packed with monosaturated fat, which studies have found to aid the body in the absorption of carotenoids, which are plant pigments that work as antioxidants.  Carotenoids can be taken as a supplement, but it is easier for the body to use it as ingested from naturally occurring sources, such as fruits and vegetables.  Specifically, avocados help with the absorption of beta-carotene, which may prevent arteries from hardening.

The best news yet is that you need no other reason to consume avocado than its taste and texture, so health benefits are just an added bonus with this rich and creamy treat.  In fact, avocados are currently my favorite food, and I buy them in bulk because this family of three uses one per day because they make most any dish come to life. 

Many people are intimidated by these odd-looking fruits that can look like giant shriveled raisins, but there is no need.  Avocados are ripe when they give slightly to pressure, so if they are hard like an apple they are not ready, but when they give, much like a perfectly ripened peach, they are ready to be eaten.  If you buy avocados that are still hard, simply leave them on the counter for a few days until they ripen or to ripen them more quickly, close them in a brown paper bag. 

To cut an avocado, simply hold it length-wise in the palm of your hand.  Take a sharp knife and with the length of the blade running down the center of the avocado, plunge through the leathery skin and meat, until you contact the hard seed.  Next, simply turn the avocado in your hand, making an incision all the way around the avocado.  Once cut, gently twist the two halves apart.  The seed will remain in one side, and to get it out, plunge the knife blade into it and twist; the seed will come out attached to your knife.   

For my three year-old, avocado was his second food as an infant (visit our month-by-month guide on introducing solid foods) and his favorite way to eat them two-and-a-half years later is just as basic; I simply cut an avocado in half, and, using the tip of a knife, cut the meat through to the skin in one direction, then score perpendicular to the first, to create bite-sized chunks, which he eats from the skin with a spoon. 

Cutting the avocado in the skin in one direction to form long slices is a mess-free way to cut avocado for a sandwich, quesadilla, or burger, while adding the second, perpendicular cut is perfect for salads, chili, and rice dishes (see recipe or try it over your favorite Zatarain's meal) , or to prep for guacamole (see recipe).  You can also try avocado in a smoothie or in countless other recipes, but I prefer to use it simply so as to allow its mild flavor to shine.

Avocado will brown, much like it's relative the banana, when exposed to air, which is another great reason to cut the avocado in its skin, as it naturally protects any unused portion from exposure.  So, once you have used all that you need for one meal, simply cover what is left and refrigerate.  The brown meat will not harm, but as it may not be appetizing, you can also scrape it away to reveal lush green meat below.  



10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 2

If you are a parent, salmon is a literal lifesaver; on the practical front, kids love it because it is colorful with just enough taste to make them happy without tasting overly fishy, but eating 3.5 ounces twice per week of this omega-3 packed food can also reduce your blood pressure and your risk of dying from a heart attack by up to one-third. 

Salmon is a great protein source and can be prepared in a variety of ways, but before you can cook it, you have to know what to buy.  First, only buy wild salmon, never farm-raised, which contains more pesticides and insecticides, but you can find wild salmon in a can, with Costco's Kirkland brand being a great option.  When purchasing fresh salmon, avoid pieces with discoloration, darkening, or drying on the edges.  If the cut has flesh present, it should be shiny and no milk-colored slime should be present.  Finally, fish should never stink.  Take fresh fish home on ice or in a cooler, and store it in the coldest part of your refrigerator, where it may stay for up to twenty-four hours.  If you do not intend to cook it immediately, freeze it, but in groupings only large enough to provide a single meal, as fish should not be thawed and re-frozen.  If fresh fish is not an option, elect vacuum-packed, individually frozen pieces of fish, with the phrase "once frozen" on the label.  Much like fresh fish, only thaw what you need for a single meal, as it cannot be re-frozen.
Wild Pacific salmon comes in five varieties, with the two most common being King and Sockeye.  Sockeye has a slightly richer taste than King but both are tender and moist.  Coho is also common, but has a milder taste and is not as moist as the other two.  I, personally, love the King or Sockeye and am not a fan of the Coho, because I like a more robust salmon flavor and large flakes, but experiment to find your favorite.
Salmon is much like a lot of things in life, in that if you spend a little extra on it, you get a better fish and taste, but fish can be expensive, so shop around to find a place that stocks fresh fish at a reasonable price.  If you live in an area with a fish or farmer's market, such as the DeKalb Farmers Market in Atlanta, you have a great source, but Whole Foods runs specials multiple times per year on salmon that makes their prices comparable to a farmer's market, and when they do, stock up your freezer!    

To get two servings per week of salmon, you will need a variety of ways to use it, but salmon's mild taste makes it very versatile.  Below is a run-down of great salmon recipes, so experiment and find what you enjoy:
Omelet: use flakes of salmon from last night's dinner in your omelets or simply mix it in with your scrambled eggs to create a filling breakfast.  Serve it on a piece of whole wheat toast, which you could lightly spread with low-fat cream cheese, and sprinkle with a pinch of dill. 

Salmon Salad (see recipe) uses canned wild salmon to create a flavorful and healthy salad that offers both twang and sweetness.  It can be eaten plain or served with fresh sliced tomato on a piece of toasted whole wheat bread for a filling lunch.

Patty: fast, easy and kids love these.  Mix 1/2-3/4 of a cup of canned or fresh salmon per patty, ready-made (or make your own) whole wheat breadcrumbs, yellow mustard (to taste and consistency), 3T fresh, finely chopped onion and 2T red pepper per patty.  This recipe varies by the moisture in your fish and your love of mustard, though I generally use 1T+ per patty.  I would suggest mixing all other ingredients and then add just enough bread crumbs to hold it all together.  Make patties and cook on a skillet until cooked through.  Serve with slices of fresh tomato or if you want to go gourmet, serve with a vinegar based slaw for a crunch and twang against the rich salmon that will make your mouth sing.    

Salmon Steaks: fire up the grill and barbeque these thick pieces of meat.  This cut is filled with bones, but the extra work is well-worth it for the moist and flavorful meat that comes from this cut.  Try brining first in salt, brown sugar, and fresh minced garlic for extra moisture and then lightly sprinkle with brown sugar once on the grill.  Grill until fish flakes easily, though times will vary by grill.

Fillet: nothing is simpler or faster than preparing a salmon fillet (see recipe), but you can also smoke one for a treat that goes beautifully over a fresh salad with sautéed asparagus.  My other favorite place to flake a salmon fillet is over a homemade pizza.  

Finally, if you are looking for simple, fast meals that kids will love, try our Two Minute rice meal or, my son's favorite couscous topped with canned wild salmon. 


10 Healthiest Foods for Your Heart in 10 Days: Day 1

CNN shared "10 best foods for your heart," and for ten days, we will take those foods and make them irresistible:

Oatmeal prepared with frozen raspberries
and banana for guilt-free sweetness and
extra fiber to keep you full.
Oatmeal has been proven to help lower cholesterol.  It is filled with omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. the heart healthy fat), folate and potassium, but with no salt and one gram of sugar, it is an easy way to take control of two items that most Americans abuse vs surrendering to the 16 grams of sugar pre-loaded onto your Oatmeal Crisp cereal.  A serving of oatmeal also delivers 15-20% of your daily dietary fiber, and will go a long way toward keeping you full, but how do you make delicious?

First, find a brand you love.  Quaker makes a great oatmeal, but my favorite is Bob's Red Mill, especially for those following a special diet.  Bob's oatmeals, ranging from Gluten Free to quick-cooking organic can be purchased through their website or added to your next Amazon purchase. 

I like to prepare my oatmeal with 1% milk for a creamier taste, cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of Sugar in the Raw (one teaspoon=4 grams of sugar), and then top it with anything from cran-raisins or bananas to frozen raspberries, peaches, blackberries, or apple, but my husband loves nuts on his for both protein and taste.  Choose your favorite fruits or mix it up every morning, but simply toss it all in a bowl and with your oats and microwave per your oatmeal's instructions.  The trick to making your oatmeal worthy of getting out of bed is to get a childish delight in mixing it up, as it gets the juices of the berries flowing and chunks of fruit in every bite.  In our house, this is called "even distribution," but whatever you call it, it takes a bland bowl of oatmeal and turns it into speckled, brightly colored bowl of whole grain oats, fresh fruit, and purely delicious health.  Is there a better way to start your day?

If you do not like the sweetness of fruit to start off your day or need a quick lunch or dinner, mix your oatmeal with fresh spinach, black beans, low-fat plain Greek yogurt, and tomatoes or salsa for a savory and heart-healthy protein-packed meal. 


It's All About Heart

My mom at sunrise on Mt LeConte
two years before her stroke.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States; more than 2200 Americans die of heart disease each day and stroke accounts for 1 in 18 deaths.  These numbers carelessly wash through your mind until your sister, father, or best friend makes them personal.  In May of 1997, it was my fifty-year-old mother who became my face for cardiovascular disease with a massive right-brain stroke.  Though her stroke was caused by a virus that weakened her heart, the National Stroke Association estimates that up to 80% of cases of heart disease and stroke are preventable.

The Center for Disease Control recommends the following four ways to greatly reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke:

Do not use tobacco: no matter how long or how much you have smoked, it is never too late to stop.  Within a single year of being tobacco free, your risk of developing heart disease drops dramatically.  As a parent, ending your reliance on tobacco is twice as important, as not only does it increase the chances that you will be there as your children grow up, but it also saves their heart and lungs from your second-hand smoke.

Be physically active: People who lead an active lifestyle are 45% less likely to develop heart disease than those who are sedentary.  The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, which is as few as thirty minutes per day, five days per week.  If you find something that you love to do, your time will fly, but you will never find it sitting on the couch.  Ask a co-worker and walk after work, try free passes at gyms until you find one that offers a variety of classes you enjoy, or call a running shoe store and ask for names of local walking or running groups.  An awesome group that is getting women moving all over the nation is Black Girls Run; check out their website to find a group near you. 
Being physically active will help control your weight, especially if combined with a healthy diet, but it also reduces your chances of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.  The best long and short-term benefit of exercise is that it reduces stress and simply makes you feel good.  The best news is that if you do not have thirty consecutive minutes each day to exercise, three, ten minute mini-workouts are just as beneficial.  An added bonus is that if you are a parent, your activity sets a powerful example for your children about the need to care for thier bodies. 

Maintain a healthy weight: a study presented last week at a conference for the American Stroke Association reported a 51% increase in strokes among men ages fifteen through thirty-four, a 17% increase among women in the same age range, and a 30% increase in strokes for boys and girls ages five to fourteen. Though urging caution in the interpretation of the data, some researchers attribute this increase to the growing obesity epidemic in the United States, as being over-weight is a major risk factor for stroke.
With close to one-third of children aged 2-19 being over-weight or obese and over one-third of adults being obese, the United States is battling a serious health problem that stems in part from over-eating, choosing the wrong foods and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, but the good news is that even taking off a few pounds can improve cardiovascular health.

Make healthy food choices: a healthy diet comes in many shapes and forms but some heart-healthy basics include the following:
limit saturated and trans fats: limit fats that are solid at room temperature (butter, margarine, shortening, and animal fats) and cook instead with olive or canola oil. 
rethink protein: protein sources like fish (choose those high in omega-3 for a boost in heart health), legumes (a.k.a. beans, peas, and lentils), and nuts are great alternatives to meat.  Dairy products are another source, with Greek yogurt packing a protein punch, but be sure that you choose 1% or non-fat dairy products, except for children under the age of one (consult your pediatrician).  When you do eat meat, choose lean cuts of your favorites and avoid frying as your cooking method.
eat your fruits and veggies: do not roll them in sugar, cover them in salt, bath them in sauces, or fry them to death.  Instead find fruits and veggies that you love, and prepare them simply.  Make sure that you stock up on a variety every week and keep them in sight, as just as you are more likely to eat the enticing cake when it is left on the counter, you may increase your fruit and veggie intake by up to 50% simply by keeping them in a prominent place.
choose whole grains: elect whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals, but remember that you have to read the food label to know what you are getting, as, if the first ingredient does not contain the word "whole," it is NOT a whole grain.  If you are not a fan of whole wheat, do not be deterred, as first, wheat is not the only grain, and second, if it is the taste or texture of wheat, try white whole wheat for sandwich bread and even baking.
reduce your sodium: Nearly 90% of Americans consume too much salt, and though you can reduce temptation by keeping the shaker away from the table, research has shown that it is the salt that is already in many staples of the American diet which is causing the problem, with breads being the worst culprit (see the Top 10 Sources of Salt in Your Diet).  But there is hope in numbers: if all Americans cut a single gram of salt from their diet each day, it is estimated that this one action could result in 250,000 fewer new cases of heart disease and over 200,000 fewer deaths over a decade.
Computer models suggest that the amount of salt that manufacturers would need to remove from many processed foods would be so small that it would not affect most food's taste, but, for now, change will have to come from the choices of individuals, such as replacing one salty, processed snack each day with fresh fruit or veggies and leaving the turkey or ham in the bag a few times per week and enjoying a veggie sandwich in a pita or on whole wheat bread, both of which have less sodium than traditional white bread, loaded with pepper, tomato, avocado, onion, and for a sweet punch and crunch, thinly sliced apple.  Finally, try the low sodium version of some of your favorite canned soups, cheeses, condiments, chips, and crackers, as you may find a healthier way to enjoy some of your favorite foods.
control your portions: portions are hard to gauge, especially in our supersized society.  Since most of us do not carry a measuring cup to every meal, a great exercise is to take fifteen minutes to read the labels of common foods in your diet, determine the serving size, and then actually measure it.  Finally, pour that amount into the bowl or cup from which you most commonly consume that item and take a metal snap-shot of how full the bowl is.  This is particularly revealing where you serve yourself from a larger container, but never make assumptions about small items either, as that single-serving bottle of juice in the convenience store may contain as many as 2.5 servings and all the calories that come with them.  Knowing how to read labels is an invaluable tool, so please visit our crash course in food labels, if you are not familiar with them.
By serving yourself the proper portion, you make it easier to eat what you should, as most people will eat all that they are served, and if you are still hungry, enjoy a piece of fruit.  Not only can these changes reduce your caloric intake, but they also reign in the servings of saturated and trans fats, not to mention sodium, that are super-sized with your portions. 

For many, these may seem like over-whelming changes, but they are insignificant compared to the changes brought by the loss of a loved one.  So this Valentine's Day, become the hero of your own story or that of someone you love by committing to the health of your heart.  Make the powerful choice to be one less victim of this silent killer and give the gift of your presence today and for many years to come.     



Try It Bite: Simple Ways to Excite Kids About Common Fruits

All my son wanted for snack for a few weeks was banana, and, of course, he grew tired of it.  He became excited about the easy snack again when his sitter asked if he wanted to eat his banana like a monkey.  Monkeys eat their bananas from the opposite ends than humans, and this new approach made bananas a favorite again.
Children are creatures of habit, and it is nice when those habits are healthy, but sometimes you need to slightly shake up the routine to keep them interested.  As the USDA now recommends that most people consume four 1/2 cup servings of fruit per day, below are some different ways to try favorite fruits:

Apples: many young children have problems with apple peels, so parents cut their apple and slice off the peel.  The only problem is that apple slices may be for babies, especially if kids see mom or big sister eating a whole apple, so save yourself the slicing and just give them a whole, slightly smaller apple with the peel cut off in strips.  The stripes look cool, which convinces kids to try the peel with all of its nutritious value, and the whole apple makes them feel grown-up, which just might make the entire apple disappear.

Grapefruit: somewhere in a 1950's cookbook was a picture of a mom giving her child a grapefruit sliced in half with a cherry in the middle and sugar on top, and every since, children have believed that grapefruit is too big of a pain to eat.  Not so!  Skip the hard work (and sugar) and peel and eat grapefruit in segments like an orange; actually, they peel with far greater ease than oranges and yield more meat, giving kids a juicy and messy treat.

Kiwi: most people serve kiwi in slices, but try peeling it and wrapping the whole thing in a paper towel.  Kids get to sink their teeth into it and enjoy the juice as it rolls down their chins.  A little messier than a slice, but the mess makes it taste better!

Raspberries: serve your kids frozen raspberries, as they have a cool texture when you bite into them and immediately break apart and melt in your mouth.

Always remember that kids are naturally curious (if they weren't, we would not need outlet covers) and having fun is paramount, so when you can, use that curiosity and love of fun to your advantage, and before you write off a fruit or vegetable, present it in a new or creative way.  I will guarantee that if that new way involves a mess or using their hands, the written-off fruit will suddenly become a favorite.


A Healthy Approach to Valentine's GIfts

I hate Valentine's Day, but I think that my hatred stems from never having a Valentine in high school, which my mom made worse and better by sending me flowers.  Though still waiting to emerge from my awkward phase (here is to hope!), I have come to peace with this pink, lacy and caloric filled holiday by letting go of society's definition of romance, and celebrating my own brand of love, which means that even though I do have a Valentine, my dad is the only one sending me flowers.

So if you are like me and question if Victoria revealing her Secret in mid-February might get a little chilly, or if aged candy does not appeal 364 days out of the year, why should it be a turn-on on the 365th day, here are a few gift ideas for the sweetie who cannot stomach the traditional sweets of Valentine's (and, yes, there are gift ideas for those having thier first V-day together and those who have lost count!):
Who needs a red velvet candy box
when you have luscious red fruit?
For the foodie
Short-term: ask her to reserve the day.  In the morning, take her to Whole Food and treat her to coffee, fruit, and a muffin, while, together, you pile your basket with healthy and romantic foods for a picnic.  Fresh raspberries, strawberries (impress with your knowledge of what to buy organic and what is "clean"), blueberries, yogurt, sushi, apples, sandwiches, pasta salad, can all ride in your backpack as you hike to a lovely spot to enjoy your lunch....and each other. 

Long-term: beyond the short-term commitment of a romantic dinner?  Buy a series of cooking classes for you to take together.  My preference would be a class on preparing healthy fare, but, realistically, developing a love of cooking can keep you out of restaurants and in control of your diet, so learn about what you love.  Either way, you give the gift of your time and the development of a mutual interest.  What could be sweeter?

For the active lot
Short-term: whether you met in a running group or on the mountain bike trails, spend the day doing what you love together, regardless of ability levels. If you want to give your honey something that he can open, put a new pair of cycling socks or running shorts in a candy box for him to open on V-day, with a little note about your up-coming adventure together.

Long term: show your commitment by giving her a new toy for an activity that you do together.  And if the new kayak doesn't break you or she just got a new bike for Christmas, surprise her with a trip to a place that she has always wanted to try her skills.  Think that this will break the bank?  Evaluate whether you will go on a vacation or long weekend this year, and if your answer is "yes," why not give it to your sweetheart as the gift that it is?  Any way you do it, invest in your Valentine and enjoy your adventure together.

Building health (together)
Short-term: three sessions together with a personal trainer will get you moving without committing to a life-style change, and it will give you something fun to do together on Saturday mornings and text complaints about come Monday.
An alternative, ladies, is to purchase a belly dancing class for yourself.  It will be a consistent and fun workout that will shake-up your routine, and your sweetie will get to enjoy a healthier you, but a recital to show off your new skills would probably also be appreciated.   

Long-term: has your relationship been filled with the phrase, "this year, I am going to _____?"  Well, this year, it is going to happen, because you are going to do it together.  Whether running a 5k, walking a 2- day or learning to kayak, show your sweetheart not just that you love them but you support and believe in them.  For example, if running or walking is her goal, then make a date to get fitted for new shoes together and slip the entry confirmation for her dream race into her new shoe box.  Whatever the goal, convey that you will get there together.

Sometimes it is fun to give more
flowers than she can hold in her hand.
Try a day exploring your local
botanical gardens.
For the family
If you want to celebrate with your kids, then you need more flowers for mom than any bouquet can contain, so consider an entire garden.  A day exploring a local botanical garden or park, complete with a picnic is a great, active celebration for the entire family. 

Think about it this way: generic candy and cards convey the sentiment of a stranger, but your time and energy combined with healthy foods and heart-pounding activity send the message that you cherish your beloved so much that you want to live a long and happy life together.  Now that is love.