
Healthy Autumn Snack

A company that I follow on our Facebook page (have you "liked" us yet?) suggested that a tasty snack would be PLAIN yogurt, pumpkin, and some cinnamon mixed together to taste like pumpkin pie.  Yes, that would be healthy, but in what world does pumpkin pie taste like sour cream mixed with pumpkin, which does not have a tremendous amount of flavor. 

I am all for snacks being healthy, but if they taste bad and your children will not eat them, then healthy or un, it is still wasted food.  So for as much as I do not tell you to enjoy a salad sans dressing, and instead simply choose your dressing wisely, make a few changes to this recipe that may add a few calories but also a Super Food that your kids will devour.

Pumpkin Frozen Yogurt
(1 serving)
3/4c Low Fat French Vanilla Yogurt
4T canned pumpkin (or more to taste)
1T wheat germ
a pinch of cinnamon
1/2t brown sugar

Mix all of the above in a cup and place in the freezer for 1.5 hours.

The French Vanilla yogurt is sweet, but it needs the little hint of brown sugar after the pumpkin is added to give it a kick.  The wheat germ adds a toasty taste and a bit of texture, not to mention it punches a nutritious hit. 

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